Our Sustainability Goals

From the beach to our bags, we are helping keep our playground (The ocean) clean from ocean-bound plastics one Ulu bag at a time.

Our Sustainability story

Sustainability for us at Ulu isn’t something we’ve rushed into or wanted to shout about as a brand until we were able to do something special and be 100% sure we were doing the right thing. That’s not to say it hasn’t always been a consideration and important to us but the word ‘sustainable’ gets thrown around very easily nowadays. We didn’t just want to be jumping on the ‘me too’ band wagon, being very aware that without complete scrutiny through the supply chain it can be very difficult to completely trace how sustainable a product is.

The ocean is our playground and where we go to escape lifes stresses, a constant source of fascination and the best way to get a boost of endorphins. The only time negativity enters this experience is when we see rubbish in the sea. That’s why for us doing what we can to help protect the ocean is only logical.

Back in 2005 Ulu’s founder Ben was on a surf trip to a remote Indonesian island called Simelue. After an all night ferry to get to the island, coming into dock all of the guests walked to the edge of the boat and before leaving threw their rubbish over the railing, staright into the sea. Memories like this aren’t easily forgotten when heading to a surfing paradise and also go some way to explaining why 80% of plastics that enter the ocean are from Asia.

We are launching our dry bag range from Ocean Bound Plastics and are going to keep doing what we can to help reduce plastics from entering the ocean, educate local people and support groups lobbying governments to supply proper waste disposal.

Ocean Bound Plastics have been collected from the shore and rivers, stopping it from entering the ocean.