What is the Ulu Ocean Plastic Project
A movement to stop plastic from entering the ocean.
What are we doing?
We support local clean up, recycling, education programs and organisations that lobby local governments to invest in waste management facilities in Indonesia, the second largest contributor of OBP globally.
Why are we doing this?
80% of plastics that end up in the ocean come from Asia. Yup, read that again and let it sink in. Indonesia has 17,000 islands, 6000 of which are inhabited and without sufficient waste processing facilities.
What happens to their waste now?
Waste is either burnt by individual households or disposed of outdoors, where it eventually makes its way into the ocean.
What’s the long term solution?
By starting small we are able to help identify solutions and support organisations on the ground to help make an impact.
How do we do it?
We manufacture our products from Ocean Bound Plastics to help recycle waste (single use plastics) to reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in the ocean.
By manufacturing our products from these materials we also help to spread awareness of the issues we face across the Western world. We believe business can be used as a force for good. As more brands use OBP in their product this has a knock on effect throughout the supply chain. As more businesses require sustainable credentials this leads to more sustainable practices from factories to the end consumer.
Our supply chain – read other blog post
We are opening up our supply chain for other brands to manufacture waterproof bags from OBP. This is counterproductive for our brand in terms of competitiveness but we believe by letting others benefit from the supply chain we have established we can move faster towards ending the ocean plastic crisis.
How can you help?
Consumers – consumers are the heroes in the fight against plastic in our oceans. By making conscious decisions to shop sustainably and support brands such as ourselves we are able to reinvest in more
Business – you can make a donation to help invest in
Our marketing strategy
Whereas most businesses would
Barrier sponsor – we are collecting