Sustainability Champions Feature

Sustainability Champions Feature

Why does the ocean matter, and what should we do to keep it clean?

As we get set to launch our new product range, which is made from 100% ocean bound plastics, Ulu Founder - Ben Ridding - was a guest on the Sustainability Champion's podcast.

Featuring as part of the channels Series 2 - Ben discussed with Host, Daniel Hartz, a range of topics:

  1. Ulu and our journey so far.
  2. Ulu's commitment to sustainability.
  3. The problems of 'greenwashing' - or falsely adverting a brand as sustainable.
  4. What does 'Ocean-bound plastics' actually mean and why is this so significant that our products will be made form this material. 
  5. Conversation around our new product-range.
  6. What's next for Ulu in 2023.

If you are interested in listening to this interview, simply use the link below:

Episode: Click here.

If you have any questions following this interview for our team - you can contact us by emailing: hello@uludrybags.comÂ